At Simply Diamonds we believe that both natural and lab-grown diamonds have their merits. Ultimately, the choice between natural and lab-grown diamonds lies in the hands of individual consumers. Some may be drawn to the mystique, rarity, and sentimental value of natural diamonds, appreciating their centuries-old legacy. Others may embrace the modernity, sustainability, and affordability of lab-grown diamonds, considering them a symbol of progress and conscious choices.

Here are a few things to consider when making your own decision.

The Formation Process

Natural Diamonds: Formed deep within the Earth over millions of years under immense heat and pressure, natural diamonds are the result of unique geological processes. They are mined from the Earth’s surface and are valued for their rarity and natural origins.

Lab-Grown Diamonds: Lab-grown diamonds are created in controlled laboratory environments through various processes such as high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapour deposition (CVD). These methods mimic the natural diamond formation process but in an accelerated timeframe. Lab-grown diamonds possess all the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds. Most people can not tell them apart from a natural diamond.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Both natural and lab-grown diamonds share very similar physical and chemical properties. They exhibit the same crystal structure, hardness (10 on the Mohs scale), refractive index, and dispersion. To the naked eye, it is virtually impossible to differentiate between the two types without specialised equipment.

Ethical Considerations

The terms ethical and sustainable can be a great marketing tool used to promote many products but you always need to look at the big picture.
Mined diamonds have long been associated with concerns regarding environmental impact, labour practices, and the potential for conflict diamonds. While the industry has made efforts to implement responsible mining practices with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, which aims to prevent the trade of conflict diamonds, these challenges remain a concern for conscientious consumers. Whereas lab diamonds have been marketed as ethical and sustainable alternatives but they still have their own impact. They are grown in laboratories that need huge amounts of energy to produce them and cut in factories in countries that don’t always have great labour laws.

Cost and Value

Natural Diamonds: Factors such as carat weight, cut, colour, and clarity significantly (the 4 C’s) influence the price of natural diamonds. The rarity of certain colour grades or sizes can influence their price, making natural diamonds more expensive.
Lab-Grown Diamonds: Generally lab diamonds are more affordable than natural diamonds. The controlled production process allows for a greater supply, reducing their cost. Additionally, consumers can often obtain larger or higher-grade lab-grown diamonds for the same price as smaller or lower-grade natural diamonds.

The Emotional Connection

Natural Diamonds: For many, the allure of a natural diamond lies in its timeless appeal, centuries-old tradition, and the romantic notion of its formation deep within the Earth. The sentimental value associated with natural diamonds often stems from their rarity and natural origins.
Lab-Grown Diamonds: While lacking the same historical legacy, can still hold sentimental value. Some individuals appreciate the modernity and sustainability of lab-grown diamonds, seeing them as symbols of progress and conscious choices.